Essentials for Providing Services Training and Certification

This series includes access to a digital certification, which will be awarded after passing a skills review.

4-Part Series
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Introduction to Trauma-informed Approaches

This course will explore the principles of trauma-informed care, how trauma shows up, and how applying trauma-informed approaches provides a foundation for support to individuals and families that recognize the impact and effect of trauma on people and how to respond safely and effectively to better meet the needs of tenants.


Introduction to Harm Reduction

Harm reduction helps case managers work with tenants to reduce risk and live safely in housing. In this webinar, we will define a harm reduction approach and provide practical strategies to apply to case manager’s daily work. Participants will learn how harm reduction can help tenants manage active substance use, struggles with mental health, and other challenges that threaten housing stability.


Promoting Housing Stability through Active Engagement

Keeping tenants stable and thriving in their housing is an important aspect of case management. We'll discuss techniques on how to successfully engage with tenants to navigate them through the move in and housing process as well as interventions and strategies to prevent eviction.


Navigating Service Coordination in Supportive Housing

In this webinar, we'll discuss the separate but distinct roles that property managers and service providers have and how to better promote coordination and develop strategies to support tenants.

We'll look at ways to help foster lasting working relationships, areas where coordination can be most effective, and conflict resolution strategies.
